Monday, March 1, 2010

Dogs and Cats (aracts)

Today Graham Cracker had the first of two cataract surgeries. This picture was taken before she went in.

She was the entertainer while there. In a very crowded waiting room she announced in her outside voice, "You know what? It's weird! I'm 82 and I don't dye my hair. This is my natural color!" Then, as if everyone on Meridian/Memorial didn't hear it the first time, she re-announced that she's 82 and never has to dye her hair.

When the lady was putting her gloves on to start Mom's IV, Mom asked her what good it was to put on her gloves when she just handled the gloves and they're not clean anymore since she handled them. "What's the point in you putting on gloves that aren't clean? After all, you just handled them!" Fortunately the nurse (and everybody else within two blocks) had a sense of humor and got tickled. I could hear laughter all around me.
She then got the attention of some man who, too, was waiting for surgery. "Are you having the same surgery I am? Oh brother!"

"My eye's dilated? I've GOT to see this! Does anyone have a mirror? I need a mirror so I can see it, too!"

All this verbiage continued, nonstop, 'til they walked her back to surgery. Of course she refused a wheelchair.... She just about talked the ear off the nurse who walked her to surgery.

They told us she was nervous about surgery so they had to give her a little extra goose in the IV.

Wonder where I could get some of that...

All in all, she's doing very well and seems to be in good spirits. She has to have eye drops 4 times/day for the first week. So I'm glad I'm here most of the time.

She mainly just took it easy today. She scarfed up breakfast when we ate it at one o'clock. She then ate two large cans of soup for dinner.

When I went out to give her the 6 o'clock eye drops she just held on to me saying, "I'm so glad you're here. So glad." She must have been covering up a whole lot of fear with all the joking.

She says she feels no pain and can see just fine. Her eye was still dilated about an hour ago. The doctor said as time goes by she'll see better and better.

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