Sunday, September 19, 2010

Zebras, Giraffes, and Donkeys, Oh My!

I'm not sure where to type on this blog, as the pictures are just kind of all over the place.
At any rate on Friday after my class was over we drove about an hour south of OKC to the Arbuckle Wilderness which is a place that has all kinds of wild animals. We paid too much for feed and then drove I don't know how many miles, but there were hungry wild animals all along the drive who were most happy to come up to the car and stick their heads in the windows, hoping for a morsel or two. Grandma absolutely loved it! You can see the donkey to the left unabashedly begging for food...
It was a little on the warmish side on Friday so I'd like to go back in late October to see if there are more animals willing to come to the car. Some of them preferred to stand in the swamp as it was somewhat cooler in the water than the road.
Also next time I'm going to see what rabbit food from Purina costs as they made a killing on the purchased food.
The boa constrictor was absolutely HUGE and very active. So glad he was in his own room!

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