Monday, September 14, 2009

Duck, duck, GOOSED!

Libby said she's like a duck. Peck, peck, peck, peck, nibble the butt. Peck, peck, peck, peck, nibble the butt. Great description! She hones in on the non-important, making getting her way tantamount to the latest terrorist bombing. The subject can be as crucial as ripping the newspaper vertically instead of horizontally. Seriously. Maybe I'll rip something tomorrow diagonally just to get her goat...

Tonight I was trying to carry a heavy television into her room when she got in front of me, insisting that I find something with wheels "because it's heavy." This was while I was trying to hoist the thing while trying not to step on Caleb's puppy. I guess my fuse couldn't take it anymore when I yelled, "GET OUTTA THE WAY!" She did. Quietly I took the thing into her room, successfully setting it on a table in the corner of her room, then hooking up the cable. Had I been by myself it would have taken maybe 5 minutes. She made a hour's worth of work out of something so simple as we pushed the bed 7" this way, 5" that way, 9" back, then repeated this dance with her dresser. The dresser and mirror no longer line up. In spite of my telling her it would make more work for Shem, that didn't seem to bother her. "Oh, he can move the mirror!"

Everything is an emotional decision including filling her water glass from the tap instead of the bottled water. Nothing is simple with her. Ever.

She's now sitting on the back porch with four dogs, the youngest being Caleb's month old puppy who has razor-sharp puncturing teeth which he uses to nibble on the big dogs. She can't get Shaggy to come to her: the puppy wears Prada.

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