Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Liar, liar pants on fire

A couple of weeks ago I was rubbing Shem's back on the floor while she watched t.v. After awhile she began telling me of techniques she used on Dad's back. "I would pull him like this. And then I'd push like that. He really liked it." This would be a good time to mention that I don't remember seeing any. physical. contact. between the two of them until my 16th year when I asked if they ever kissed each other. My dad felt it his job to embarrass the socks off me when he laid one on her lips. That's the ONLY time I ever saw anything physical between them. Rubbing Dad's back? Not likely.

Shem took her to the physical therapist yesterday to begin exercises on her left shoulder, seeing how she can't lift her left arm above a 90 degree angle. She exclaimed to the therapist, "Oh! I throw myself to the floor all the time and throw out my arms just to see if I can catch myself. I do it ALL THE TIME!!! It's fun!"

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