Saturday, September 11, 2010

very odd experience

I shall try to explain a rather odd experience I had yesterday after I explain a different odd experience Shem had last week....feel free to ask questions in case it doesn't make sense.
First off, approximately a month ago I received a phone call from Francis Franklin to let me know her husband, Guy (a very old friend of Ann and Dale) had died due to stomach cancer. We weren't surprised as she had kept us up to date and I relayed info regularly to Grandma. I was able to take Graham Cracker to the funeral the next morning. The funeral brochure had a picture of Guy on the front. He was the Guy Franklin who used to fight with her when they played hearts. We were able to stand in line to greet Francis, give our condolences, etc.

Graham Cracker and I went back to the car to leave. Once we were settled in the car, she began asking who that was: who died, who was that lady, etc. She couldn't remember Francis, who has been a dear friend for 53 years. Oh least Francis knew we were there.

Last week Shem went into the kitchen to find Graham Cracker crying. "Why are you crying?"
"I just read this article. A very fine man died and I didn't know he was dead!"
"Who was it?"
"Patrick Swayze. He was a very fine man. That makes me so sad to lose him!"

Now for the hard-to-explain part:
Yesterday I got up at 7 as I had several errands to run: Toys R Us, etc. I didn't return home until 2:00. Grandma was just emerging from a winter's/summer's night sleep (at 2:00 p.m.) with eye gump fogging her vision. I made some rather incredible tuna sandwiches complete with chips and coffee and Dr. Pepper. I then cleaned up the kitchen and sat down at the piano. Later I heard a great deal of noise in the kitchen that involved cellophane and plastic bags. Then I smelled something cooking. I got up to investigate and failed to find any burners on or plastic on the cabinet. Hmmm. Must've been my imagination.

Later that night Shem came in to make dinner and he found a microwaved but forgotten cheeseburger. Upon further investigation, we found this: It's the 1st picture.
Upon further investigation, we found this: It's the 2nd picture.
I can't get the computer to cooperate. At any rate, she had taken the frozen cheeseburger and put the it in the microwave, then she had gotten into the bread and slipped a piece of round bread into the cheeseburger wrapper so we wouldn't figure out she had cooked and eaten a frozen hamburger. (Although she totally forgot it and left it in the microwave.) If I can show you, here's what we found tonight in that cheese burger wrapper:
Picture #3.
Grandma is an eating machine, I tell you. She eats from the minute she wakes up 'til she goes to sleep at night.
Shem tries to keep fresh fruit on the table as she seems to limit herself to whatever is in sight, although she does slip out of her element from time to time to raid the fridge...

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