Thank you, Mark and Mary!
I also found she had filled the dogs' dishes with water (I have begged...BEGGED...her not to take the cover off the outside faucet...I wrote in HUGE letters on the cover: ANN!!! DO NOT TAKE THIS COVER OFF!!!...the faucet will freeze inside the wall and $$$$plit. $$$$ Sorry, but I was pretty angry and let her know. "I'll never do that again!" I've heard those very words burst forth from those very lips regarding the very same subject several times....
Finally, we looked and looked and looked and looked for her glasses in every nook and cranny we could think of and couldn't find them anywhere. She told Shem he needs to take her to the eye doctor so she can get glasses. "I did take you to the doctor. He said you need to have cataract surgery before he can prescribe glasses." This is where she became completely out of line and started acting like a five year old, giving Shem a very, very hard time, ending with, "I'm gonna go home! I love to read and you're not getting me glasses." Shem responded, "I didn't lose your glasses," then went off to his room and busied himself. This is where Bev stepped in and chewed her out. She repented with crocodile tears in her eyes. "Shem, I love you and I'm so sorry!"
We found her glasses a couple of hours later, much to all our relief. She says she doesn't want to be a problem to us and, for the most part, she really isn't at all. We have times like today (which are by far few, compared to what they could be), but, most of the time she's pretty easy to be around.
Yesterday we, as a family, took Caleb out for Mexican food for his birthday. Shem and Caleb ordered Tecate. When she set her eyes on those huge frosty mugs she asked, "What are those?" They told her it was Mexican beer and she announced to the waiter, "I want one of those!" As we were driving home, she said, "Thank you so much for including me."
You can't help but feel an endearing spirit toward that...
Hi Bev, you might remember me from Grace Community--I was Kerri Fradenburgh back then, & was one year ahead of Libby in school. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story here. Really interesting, funny, sad...and kind of beautiful too. So thanks.