Sunday, January 24, 2010

Of Glasses and Graham Crackers and Manipulation

Shem was awakened this morning at 0130 by Graham Cracker rummaging, looking for her glasses. We got up early and went to church, leaving her, as always a couple of eggs and toast. We returned around 1400 after doing the week's shopping. There she sat, still looking for her glasses and "ears." I went into her room and there on top of the dresser were her "ears." I opened the top drawer and there in the back in a glasses case were her glasses.

I came out of my room around 1600 to find her sitting at the table having looked in both cars for her glasses. Little did I know when I was exercising her, having put her glasses on the table the TV sits on, that she would be looking for her glasses for the next two hours. She didn't say anything. She just sat at the table, frustrated.

Looking for her glasses is a daily ritual. We really need to get her some spare pairs for our sanity.

She's been reading a Dan Brown book. Like all the others, it's a "fantastic book." When asked what it's about, "I can't really explain it. It's convoluted." This is what she says about every book she reads.

Tonight she sat outside petting Missy, the big lovable golden retriever. Missy has tape around her paws because she has an awful habit of scratching her eyes with her dew claws. We been to the vet multiple times over the last two months and have instilled dozens of Tobramycin eyes drops in her eyes. Graham Cracker came into the house, "That poor doggy with the tape around her paws. It's all wet. I sure hope she doesn't die. I'm sure you can just get another dog." This is her way of manipulating.
I went outside to check the poor dog to find everything perfectly dry. "Would you rather she claw her eyes out? That's the only choice."
"The poor, poor doggy with tape around her paws. I just hope she doesn't die."


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